Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Entrelac Bag

One day, I really will finish this bag. It was not a great choice for a second knitting project. I have finished a baby blanket and a bottle cozy since starting this project.
I have decided that it is best continued under the careful supervision of Mom after she had to rip out a good chunk of it over the summer. So, in my living room this project sits until Mom has time for some more Knit 'n' B*tch sessions. Thank goodness for the cooler weather moving in. That will allow for much more time for knitting. And that is the only reason I'm happy about the cooler weather.

I really do enjoy knitting even though I don't make much time for it. I guess I just have to many interests and not enough time. Story of my life, I say.

Things that annoy me and a Book reccomendation

-unloading the dishwasher
-spastic, unfocused teachers
-not having enough time to surf the Internet and get the housework done
-being sick
-stupid people

okay, sorry for the rant..I feel better now.

If your looking for a good book, I highly recommend Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I'm a bit more than halfway through with it and I love it! Well written, in a tone that I can appreciate. I've only been reading it for a few days and already I'm 200+ pages into it. (and really, I only read while I'm at work when my student is working for an hour and a half in the afternoon.) I'm afraid I'll be sad when I'm through with it because I enjoy it so much.

If you have a good book, please recommend it. I'm always looking for a good book to read at work.