Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Things that annoy me and a Book reccomendation

-unloading the dishwasher
-spastic, unfocused teachers
-not having enough time to surf the Internet and get the housework done
-being sick
-stupid people

okay, sorry for the rant..I feel better now.

If your looking for a good book, I highly recommend Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. I'm a bit more than halfway through with it and I love it! Well written, in a tone that I can appreciate. I've only been reading it for a few days and already I'm 200+ pages into it. (and really, I only read while I'm at work when my student is working for an hour and a half in the afternoon.) I'm afraid I'll be sad when I'm through with it because I enjoy it so much.

If you have a good book, please recommend it. I'm always looking for a good book to read at work.

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