Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Who Do You Think You Are? The Book

I ended up having a lot of down time at work today so I took the opportunity to finish reading Who Do You Think You Are?  By Megan Smolenyak. I happened to find this book on the shelves at my local library and being a fan of the show, decided I'd check it out. Boy am I glad I did.

This book has many references to websites and books that are considered the standards by many genealogists. The author also includes the basic how-tos for the basic records that many people new to family history will check out first. I was particularly happy to see the summary of the censuses and what they included as well as what makes certain ones unique or particularly good tools for the genealogist. I had seen similar information before but couldn't find it when I needed it recently. Now, I'll have my notes from this book. I also enjoyed the section on military records. I know this is something I will want to delve into more in the future as I research more about my maternal Grandfather. I loved hearing his stories from the time he spent in the military during WWII and look forward to learning more of the specifics about his service to our country.

With all the great website references and information included in this book, I found myself seriously considering adding it to my birthday list to have in my reference arsenal.


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