Monday, January 28, 2013

Old Iron Butt from Buzzy Jackson's Shaking The Family Tree

In the past three weeks, I've consumed 4 of the 6 library books I checked out on family history. Not bad, if I do say so myself. I've really enjoyed getting back to reading and reading for enjoyment! I'll be off to the library tomorrow to turn in books and renew the other 2 for sure!

As I was reading Buzzy Jackson's Shaking The Family Tree, I couldn't help but identify with her description of Old Iron Butt! And it made me chuckle, so I had to share. 

According to Jackson, the nickname Iron Butt was one given to Richard Nixon in college for his ability to sit in the library and keep studying. Searching for genealogical records, Jackson explains, requires a similar "stick-to-itiveness...[and] being an optimistic idiot helps." (101)  I thoroughly enjoyed both descriptions.

That is all for now.

In the coming weeks, I must begin to tackle the mess I have created by over-zealous linking of records from Ancestry as a newbie. I have to admit, I've been avoiding it for a couple of reasons. One is that my tree already includes over 500 names and organizing that and cleaning it up is a daunting task and one I know I cannot finish to perfection in the amount of time that I have available to dedicate to it right now. That said, I must find a way to break it into more manageable chunks and get at it. My greatest excuse to myself has been that I don't know how to do it. It is true, I do not know every detail of genealogical research. But, between the recent library books, the online reading I've done and the hours I've spent viewing Ancestry's archived videos on, I have more than enough knowledge to begin. If only I would allow myself.


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